Rozwój gospodarczy regionu częstochowskiego w związku z historią badań geologicznych


  • Stefan Zbigniew Różycki


ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE CZĘSTOCHOWA REGION AND ITS RELATION WITH THE HISTORY OF GEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS Summary The Częstochowa Jura Chain is well known as a classical area to study of many general problems of stratigraphy, sedimentology and facies changes. Simultaneously, the selfexistent, important industrial centre, that possesses its own resources of raw materials was developed. The most important are iron ore deposits, that are the biggest in Poland. The mining industry of the iron ore was started in XVII-XVIII century, but the real development of the Region as an industrial centre took place at the end of the last century, when a foundry, some factories of metal products, glass-works, chemical factories and limekilns were built here. Some textile factories and many different auxiliary ones were set up in the Region. After the general description of the Region, author reviewed the history of geological researches. A distinct regularity of the succession of research stages is observed: preliminary studies, determination of lithological stratigraphy, investigation of facies distribution and the palaeogeographical studies, and in the last stage – examination of composition and structures of substratum. All the stages mentioned ar in the stron relation with the economical development of mining industry.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia