Zarys wykształcenia litologicznego serii “ciechocińskiej” liasu w rejonie Przysuchej


  • Zbigniew Kozydra


OUTLINE OF LITHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE CIECHOCINEK SERIES OF LIASSIC IN THE PRZYSUCHA AREA Summary The article presents a synthetic description of the lithological development of the Ciechocinek series of the upper liassic on the basis of the results of core drilling made in the area of Przysucha (Święty Krzyż region). Within this series whose thickness is estimated at about 75 m, three main sedimentary horizons have been marked out. As a rule these horizons begin with a bed of a sandstones of a few meters with silica-argillaceous cement, medium and coarse-grained or finegrained claystones with roll-bals and they end with a silty-argillaceous portion of several ten meters. The thickness of the individual separated sedimentary horizons fluctuated within about 25 m. We observe many run off dislocations, traces of outwashing and waving, as well as drying out in the individual horizons. Often there occur also small channels of worms and sometimes aggregations of fine spherolites. These horizons show great resemblance in lithological development with similar horizons set apart in the area of these series by S. Z. Różycki in the Kujawy region. In both these regions, separated from each other by about 120-150 km, similar sedimentation conditions took place.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia