Perspektywy poszukiwań iłów ceramicznych w niecce północnosudeckiej


  • Jerzy Milewicz


PERSPECTIVES OF RESEARCH OF CERAMIC CLAYS IN THE NORTH-SUDETIC BASIN Summary In the North-Sudetic basin there are clays within the Santonian and the Tertiary deposits. The results of ceramic analyses have shown that Santonian clays are the proper raw-materials for fine ceramisc. Tertiary clays are mostly appropriate for the production of bricks. Geological research works have shown that the Santonian claybearing series is well uncovered and possesses the best hydrogeological conditions and the best kind of raw-material (also faience clays with porcelite inserts) in three areas: 1) the area east of Bober (Bóbr) 2) the area between Nowogrodziec, Zapłocie and Włodzice Małe 3) the area between Tomisław and Parowa.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia