Karotaż sejsmiczny w latach 1953-1959 na obszarze Polski


  • Stefan Młynarski


SEISMIC CAROTAGE IN POLAND IN THE YEARS 1953-1959 Summary The article deals with the distribution of seismically carotaged bore holes in the years 1953-59 (fig. 1). The applied method of a field works and interpretation has been discussed as well as some examples of comparison of the curves of seismic carotage from several bore holes. During the analysis of the field works the way of the situating was shown as well as the applied number of bore holes in the individual years and also the assumed distances between the successive situations of the anogenic geophone have changed. In the first period they changed often and fluctuated between 20 and 100 m. Since 1958 the density of measurements is being applied every 25 or 50 m as a rule and the same time the geological section of the bore hole is taken into consideration. In dealing with the method of interpretation, the applied ways of reduction were analysed.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia