Metoda telluryczna


  • Józef Stajniak


TELLURIC METHOD Summary Regional geological reconnaissances conducted at present on a large scale in Poland have caused the necessity of introducing a series of new geophysical methods. A very important of these not applied till this time in Poland is the telluric method. The aim of this paper is to present this method to a wide circle of geophysicists and geologists in Poland. In several chapters author discusses the physical grounds and the elements of theory of this method, describes the characteristic of filed works and the basis of interpretation. For illustration, the results of investigations made on one of the salt domes in Texas and an example of the mathematical elaborating of results are presented. Author analyses the possibilities of adaptation of telluric method in comparison with the other geophysical methods, discusses its development in the foregin countries and points of at the necessity of introducing such method in Poland. New varieties of this method – microtelluric and magnetotelluric methods are also mentioned.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia