Charakterystyka piasków strefy litoralnej morza dolnooligoceńskiego na Lubelszczyźnie


  • Jan Morawski


CHARACTERISTIC OF SANDS OF LITTORAL ZONE OF THE LOWER OLIGOCENE SEA IN THE LUBLIN REGION Summary During the lower Oligocene transgression, across the middle and north Lublin region there ran a littoral zone of Oligocene sea. Within this zone the glauconitic sands were deposited in which the ripple-marks are present till now. The lower Oligocene deposits are fossil-poor contain, however, the numerous interbeddings and intercalations of gravels. The main components of gravels are: vein quartz and lydites with near by occurring flints, hornstones, quarzitic sandstones and gaizes. Together with detrital quartz authigenic glauconite, amounting even to 60 per cent, occurs. Among detrital minerals of the Oligocene sands should be mentioned: feldspars, pyrite, calcite, zircon, furthermore rutile, garnet, muscovite as well as the fragments of clayey minerals. Within the glauconitic sands, the fraction of grain smaller than 1 mm predominates. The analysis of the grain shape in the fractions 0.25-0.5 mm indicates that the partially rounded and rounded grains prevail. The quantiti of dull grains decreases in the samples originating from the eastern part of the Lublin region; it may indicate on the wider, more southern extension of the lower Oligocene sea in this area.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia