Zanieczyszczenie chromem wód podziemnych w otoczeniu cementowni "Pokój" w Rejowcu Fabrycznym


  • Dariusz Dobrzyński


CHROMIUM POLLUTION OF UNDERGROUND WATERS IN SURROUDINGS OF THE CEMENT PLANT "POKÓJ" IN REJOWIEC FABRYCZNY Summary Investigations of rate of chromium pollution of underground waters were done in surroundings of the cement plant „Pokój" in Rejowiec Fabryczny (Lublin Upland, Eastern Poland) (Fig. 1, 2). Chemical analysis were made from samples of underground waters, leakages from waste-dump, wastes and their waters of leaching in laboratory conditions. The source of chromium pollution are weathered waste magnesite bricks, used in refractory lining of rotary furnace. Composition variability of waste, located in storage yard (Tab. I) clearly focuses in chemistry of leakage waters (Tab. IV). Results of laboratory leaching of wastes point that almost all amount of dissolved chromium comes to solution just during first day of process (tab. II). Chromium is activated as ion Cr6 + during brick resolving. The leaching intensity for each element of wastes were estimated (Tab. III). Seasonal chromium pollutions of underground waters from Quaternary sand aquifer as well as in fissured marl aquifer of Upper Cretaceous age were found (Tab. IV). The obtained results proved the spoils of magnesite bricks could be an important source for chromium pollution of underground waters.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia