Sieć hydrogeologicznych obserwacji stacjonarnych na Podhalu - założenia i wstępna interpretacja wyników


  • Danuta Małecka
  • Teresa Lipniacka


HYDROGEOLOGICAL SYSTEM OF STATIONARY OBSERVATIONS OF THE PODHALE REGION - ASSUMPTIONS AND PRELIMINARY INTERPRETATIONS Summary The area of Tatra Mountains as well as Podhale, which have been discussed here, both show highly complicated geological structures (Fig. 2) and extremely complex hydrogeological conditions. Two systems of water circulation can be distinguished within this region, and only the groundwaters of surface zone within the upper part of the Dunajec basin, forming a typical hydrogeological unit, are the subject of this discussion. The metodological assumptions of hydrogeological stationary studies according to the concepts of State Institute of Geology, have been thoroughly discussed. It has been stated that irrespective character of groundwater (pore, crevice waters) yearly cycle differences are compabile — only the amplitudes dependent on the morphological structure of the area (Fig. 4). The reaction of underground water level and discharge of springs to rainfalls and the snowcover melting confirms the relation between crevice and pore waters of Podhale (Fig. 5, 6). The most variable as responds discharge are springs of the Pieniny Klippen Belt, which are fed from local and regional underground reservoirs (tab. II, Fig. 7).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia