Wgłębna budowa geologiczna Karpat w świetle kompleksowej analizy teledetekcyjno-geofizycznej


  • Stanisław Doktór
  • Marek Graniczny
  • Robert Kucharski
  • Maria Molek
  • Barbara Dąbrowska


DEEP GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF THE CARPATHIANS ACCORDING COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS OF REMOTE SENSING-GEOPHYSICAL DATA Summary Model of deep geological structure of the Polish Carpathians was presented according results of complex remote sensing-geophysical analysis. Computer transformation and correlation of various data, including interpreted lineaments from satelite photos, gravimetric and magnetic data, were used here, as well as obtained new magneto-telluric informations. Offered maps of structural linear elements in the Carpathians refer to tectonic model of the Carpathians, elaborated by R. Unrug. He proposed explanation of strike-slip faults in the flysh Carpathians with rotation of fanwise dispersed tectonic block. In such meaning, the zones forming middle Carpathian block pass along the lines: Łysa Polana-Nowy Targ-Brzeźnica and Muszyna-Jasło. These marked tectonic zones strictly focuse in isobase distribution and it proves the connections between tectonic structure of deep subflysh basement and Recent neotectonic movements of the Earth crust in the Carpathians area. .



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia