Światowe i regionalne zdarzenia w zapisie stratygraficznym pogranicza franu i famenu Gór Świętokrzyskich - odpowiedź


  • Michał Szulczewski


STRATIGRAPHIC RECORD OF GLOB AL AND REGIONAL EVENTS ACROSS THE FRASNIAN-FAMENNIAN BOUNDARY- IN THE HOLY CROSS MOUNTAINS - A REPPLY Summary The point of the controversy between Narkiewicz (5-7) and the author (12, this paper) is in fact not the possibility itself of identification of eustatic events in stratigraphic record, but the means which allow to achieve this aim. The reconstruction of eustatic events and the corresponding sea-level curve for Southern Poland as proposed by Narkiewicz (e.g. 5,6) is criticized, because the influence of tectonic factor and rate of deposition on facies changes has been neglected and the biostratigraphic correlation is unprecise up till now. The example of the Lower gigas regressive puIs is considered thoroughly to show that it is not supported by any stratigraphic successions from the Holy Cross Mts used as its base. Also it can not be accepted that the growth of organic buildups and their topography are solely responsible for the differentiation of facies and their diachronous boundaries in the Upper Devonian of the Holy Cross Mts, the extensional synsedimentary block faulting playing at most inessential role.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia