Światowe i regionalne zdarzerenia w zapisie stratygraficznym pogranicza franu i famenu Gór Świętokrzyskich – dyskusja


  • Marek Narkiewicz


STRATIGRAPHIC RECORD OF GLOBAL AND REGIONAL EVENTS ACROSS THE FRASNIAN-FAMENNIAN BOUNDARY IN THE HOLY CROSS MOUNTAINS - A DISCUSSION Summary The paper by Szulczewski (16) represents an attempt to estimate a timing of broadly defined, genetically heterogeneous facies-associations ("stromatoporoid-coral limestones"), phenomena that may be controlled by various factors including supralocal ones (nondeposition and condensation) or sedimentary processes that are diachronous by their very nature (filling of submarine depressions). Contrary to this, an analysis of events should consider more subtle facies differences, is aimed to sieve off a local "noise" from a broader background and, lastly, does not include - from the definition - long-term processes imposed on a local variability. The differences in the interpretation of the sedimentary record by Szulczewski (14,16) and by the author (7,8) have their counterpart in different concepts of the Late Devonian sedimentation in the Kie1ce region. Szulczewski explains most if not whole of the facies differentiation by means of variability in subsidence rates in time and space (cf. also Fig. 11 in 14). In turn, the latter variability is thought to be controlled exclusively by synsedimentary blocktectonics. Such interpretation ignores a role of organic facies ("carbonate factory") as a dynamic factor controlling development of a carbonate sedimentation, independently from an influence of paleotectonics. Moreover, by narrowing his perspective to strictly local controls one excludes from considerations a role played by regional and even global phenomena such as the basal Frasnian transgression, transgressive pulse in the Lower gigas Zone or the controversial event at the Frasnian/Famennian boundary. In the present author's opinion mentioned phenomena formed general frames for the development of the Upper Devonian facies discussed.(7, 8). Only within these frames there is a picture of a local variability including also phenomena of synsedimentary tectonics.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia