Podłoże krystaliczne Pomorza i polskiego Bałtyku


  • Wacław Ryka


THE CRYSTALLINE BASEMENT OF POMERANIA AND POLISH PART OF BALTIC SEA Summary Results of petrographic investigations of rocks from boreholes and analysis of geophysical materials allowed to make out the lithological map of the top of crystalline basement in the Southern Baltic (Fig. 1). In the south-western part of Baltic area occurs the Archaean domain: granitoide massif (Dobrzyń - Pomerania complex) and greenstone belt (Kaszuby complex). The age of Rapakivi-like granitoides of Masurian complex (1470 m.y.) are slightly younger than the Transscandinavian granite belt. The Hallandian event (1400 -1340 m.y.) is expressed by charnockitization, migmatitization and anatexis. The Sveconorwegian (Grenvillan) granitoide veins and mafic dykes (1250-900 m.y.) are correlated with the Sveconorwegian granitoide intrusions and swarm dykes of Southern Sweden.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia