Utwory młodszej kredy górnej i paleocenu dolnego w głębokich otworach wiertniczych w rejonie Puław, Lublina i Lubartowa


  • Aleksandra Krassowska


UPPERMOST CRETACEOUS AND LOWER PALEOCENE DEPOSITS IN THE DEEP BOREHOLES IN THE ENVIRONS OF PUŁAWY, LUBLIN AND LUBARTÓW Summary In the deep boreholes located in the environs of Puławy, Lublin and Lubartów (Fig. 1) the complete section of the Upper Cretaceous was found where the uppermost Upper Maastrichtian is usually overlain by the Lower Paleocene deposits (Fig. 2, 3, 5). The younger periods are mainly represented by marly limestones and marly chalk. At the top of Campanian and in the lower part of the Lower Maastrichtian (KG IV) marls are common. These deposits originated following the structural changes in the area of the Polish Lowland at that time. In the middle part of the Upper Maastrichtian (KG VB) structureless chalk of high CaC03 content is dominating, and it was the time of the most quiet sedimentary conditions. In the upper. part of Upper Maastrichtian (KG VC) marly chalk is passing into opoka, and at the top of the latter there is a hardground. The uppermost Upper Maastrichtian - Żyrzyn Beds (17,18; KG VD) (Fig. 3, 5) is represented by opoka and marls with Cibicidoides commatus (Vassilenko), and at the top a hardground was found in the Puławy IG 2 borehole. These deposits are preserved in a belt running from Giełczew to Garwolin (Fig. 1), probably in the area of the maximum subsidence of vanishing marine basin, and are covered by the Lower Paleocene deposits (KG VI) developed as gaizes, opoka and subordinate marly limestones. On the turn of the Maastrichtian a sedimentary gap occurred which was related to a major change of the structure and facies of the basin (20, 14,8).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia