O sedymentacji dolomitu głównego w rejonie Buka


  • Tadeusz Marek Peryt
  • Lech Antonowicz
  • Stefania Roman


ON THE DEPOSITION OF THE ZECHSTEIN MAIN DOLOMITE OF THE BUK REGION (WESTERN POLAND) Summary Sedimentological analysis of the Zechstein (Upper Permian) deposits of the Buk region (western Poland) indicates that accumulations of ooidal, peloidal, and ooidal-peloidal grainstones occur there. The origin of these accumulations cannot be univocally explained yet, but considering the recorded lithological variability and general regularities of structure of recent barrier built by carbonate sands it seems that in the Buk region, or in close western proximity of it, a narrow barrier (a few hundred of metres wide) is passing into oolite flat which continues towards the east. It may be assumed that the barrier was located between the oolite flat and open sea of the Main Dolomite which occurred north of the area studied. Sedimentological analysis supports the existence of cyclicity of the Main Dolomite deposits which was postulated following the geophysical analysis. Very subtle changes at the boundaries between these cycles seem to indicate slight (order of a few metres rather than a dozen or several tens pf metres) fluctuations of sea level.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia