Studium sedymentologiczno-paleontologiczne osadów barierowych dolnego sarmatu w rejonie Chmielnika (południowe obrzeżenie Gór Świętokrzyskich)


  • Grzegorz Czapowski
  • Barbara Studencka


THE SEDIMENTOLOGICAL-PALAEONTOLOGICAL STUDY OF THE LOWER SARMATIAN BARRIER DEPOSITS NEAR CHMIELNIK (SOUTHERN BORDER OF HOLY CROSS MTS) Summary The sedimentological investigations of 3 outcrops of "detrital Sarmatian" deposits near Chmielnik gave new data about their age and origin. The two complexes were distinguished, the older one (I) reperesented the seaward slope facies of spit, separating the Korytnica-Chmielnik bay from open sea in Lower Sarmatian time. The younger complex (II) was composed of high energy deposits of shoals and inlets within barrier, in which this spit has transformed during sea regression. The mollusc assemblage characteristics from complex I shows they are similar to primary biocenosis and could be regarded as "fossil community" sensu Fragerstrom or "death assemblage" (Model I) sensu Johnson. Bivalve studies of the association Ervilia podolica-Loripes dujardini-Pirenella picta mitralis have shown that complex I from Śladków Mały outcrop represents the Mactra eichwaldi-Plicatiforma praeplicata concurrent range-zone, corresponding to lowermost Volhynian (Lower Sarmatian) substage. Within this association, containing 30 bivalve species (tab. II), were found at first in Polish Sarmatian deposits such species as: Obsoletiforma (O.) ringeiseni. (Jekelius), O. (Fischericardium) procarpatina (Jekelius) and Inaequicostata politioanei (Jekelius). This fact was significant for the philogenetic reconstructions of Cardiidae family and fauna migration ways in Paratethys Sarmatian sea. Also important was the founding of the oldest clastic deposits in northwestern part of Polish Sarmatian basin, which were non-regressive type as was maintained till now.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia