Obecne poglądy na temat genezy dolomitów


  • Zdzisław Migaszewski


RECENT OPINIONS UPON THE DOLOMITE GENESIS Summary This article deals with physico-chemical factors required for the dolomite forming as well as with the major models of the origin of dolomites, including the syndepositional-hydrothermal model (Fig. 1A-G). According to the author the massive dolomitization takes place within not-fully lithified carbonate sediments, containing porous and interstitial water - the "conveyor" that enables effective addition of Mg2+ and at the same time removal of Ca2+ . Diffusion of Mg2+ in solid state may be negligible. Massive dolomitization cannot occur in completely lithified carbonate rocks having undergone compaction and secondary cementation. It may take place primarily in the early phases of sedimentary-diastrophic cycle. In the author's model (Fig. 2G) an effective pump continually resupplying recycled hybridized seawater was probably connected with periodic activation of quasirifted deep-rooted geofractures.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia