Wybrane elementy anizotropii strukturalnej iłów pylastych


  • Urszula Kołodziejczyk


THE SELECTED PROBLEMS OF THE STRUCTURAL ANISOTROPY OF POWDERED CLAYS Summary The paper presents results of geophysical research (geoelectrical resistivity method) which was done for recognizing thickness of Quaternary-Neogene cover of the eastern part of the Nowy Targ Valley. An interpretation of geophysical data was realized by using modem computer technic. Geological identification of geophysical data suggests, that the main part of Quaternary fluvioglacial cover is composed of Cracow-glaciation deposits. There were found less permeable deposits like clays, slits and loams, too. It can cause pressure conditions in the subsystem of deep groundwater. Neogene deposits exist in the places of overdeep. These deposits have the same resistivity as the overlying Crakow-glaciation deposits developed as sands and gravels. Because of that it is impossible using resistivity differences to separate these two complexes. The same problem relates to basement. Locally this boundary corresponds with roof of impermeable deposits of Neogene or degraded clays. The bottom of this Valley is very differentiated. On the north of Pieniny Klippen Beld extends parallely well-marked trough. Cover deposits are ca 100 m thick. The author suggests, that this trough can be western continuation of Dębno - Frydman fault zone. All dislocations were obtained from geophysical informations. It is noticeable, that these fault zones correspond with early described zones.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia