Rozkład zawartości ołowiu w węglach i łupkach węglowych w profilu Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego


  • Henryk Parzentny
  • Anna Rożkowska


THE LEAD CONTENT DISTRIBUTION IN COALS AND COALY SHALES OF THE UPPER SILESIAN COAL BASIN PROFILE Summary This paper summarises part of geochemical study; done till now within the program of investiation the deep Carboniferous productive horizons, directed by A. Kotas. The lead content was analysed in 1254 coal samples and 27 coaly shale ones, taken from cores of 28 boreholes (Fig. 1). The detail informations about these analyses and other geological studies could be found in the borehole documentations in registry of The Upper Silesian Division of The National Geological Institute. The average lead content in coals and ashes of coals and coaly shales are similar to values found in coals and coal ashes of World and the Upper Silesian Basin. The lead content in coaly shales are distinctly higher than average values in World coals (tab.) and in the Upper Silesian Basin coals but lower than in ashes of these shales. Five types of lead content distribution were noted: two distributions with uniformly lowering and growing lead content (Libiąskie beds to Visean deposits), two distributions with one and two maximum lead content and one of irregular type (Fig. 2). The highest lead values (in the Upper Silesian Basin profile) were found in coals, coaly shales and their ashes from Libiąe and Łaziskie beds (Fig. 3). These values lowered toward the top of the paralic series (for coals and coaly shales) or Orzeskie beds (for ashes of coals and coaly shales) but some faint increase was marked in Pietrzakowickie (Malinowickie) beds.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia