Możliwość wykorzystania otwornic redeponowanych w pracach geologicznych


  • Henryk Jurkiewicz


APPLICATION OF REDEPOSITED FORAMS IN GEOLOGICAL STUDIES Summary Author discussed possibilities of application of redeposited forams in geological studies. Such resedimented foram assemblages allow to point an age of some elements detrital rocks and also suggest their alimentary areas. Significant content of redeposited agglutinated forams in the Miocene molasse resulted from their higher resistance for weathering and transport than for carbonate-shell forms. Such features made an image of dominance or sole occurrence of Carpathian elements in the Miocene deposits from the Fore-Carpathian area. Also significant part of detrital material came outside from the Carpathians, from weathered and scoured Mezozoic cover of the Holy Cross Mts. Jurassic and Cretaceous forams, found in carbonate fragments within the Miocene detrital rocks, documented such processes.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia