Muszlowce amonitowe tytonu w sukcesji czorsztyńskiej okolic Krempachów w pienińskim pasie skałkowym


  • Mirosław Brożek
  • Andrzej Wierzbowski


TITHONIAN AMMONITE COQUINAS IN THE CZORSZTYN SUCCESSION AT KREMPACHÓW IN THE PIENINY KLIPPEN BELT (CARPATHIANS) Summary Aside of the famous Tithonian ammonite coquinas exposed at Rogoźnik and Maruszyna (1, 6, 9), are known also some other localities where the similar rocks do occur in the Pieniny Klippen Belt. Such rocks have been reported from the Kramnica Klippe (8), but now are better accessible in the neighbouring Faśnymbrowe Klippes at Krempachy. The latter provide a good section in the small klippe presently studied by the authors (fig. 1). The coquinas attributed to the Rogoźnik Coquina Member (cf. 2) occur here above the nodular limestones and crinoid limestones of the Czorsztyn Limestone Formation. The ammonite fauna discovered in the coquinas includes i.a. Haploceras (Volanites) verruciferum (Menegh.), Semiformiceras cf. semiforme (Opp.) indicative of the semiforme Zone of the Middle Tithonian. The ammonite spectrum of the coquinas in the Faśnymbrowe Klippes (fig. 2) shows the dominance of the nektopelagic forms (Phyllocerataceae, Lytocerataceae and Haploceratidae), similarly as do the ammonite spectra for the Rogoźnik-Maruszyna area (4).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia