Kohezyjne osady detrytyczne - terminologia i klasyfikacja


  • Andrzej Karol Teisseyre


KOHESION DETRITAL DEPOSITS: TERMINOLOGY AND CLASSIFICATION Summary Actually, cohesive detrital deposits are of a very wide occurrence including various terrestrial, shallow marine-, and deep marine environments. These deposits have been derived from pre-existing unconsolidated cohesive materials as well as clay-rich soils characterized by peddy textures. The main processes responsible for the formation of detrital cohesive deposits include soil and sediment ripening, ripping occasioned by powerful flows, mass wasting, and physical weathering including, in particular, desiccation, and salt- and frost weathering. Detrital cohesive materials are transported for some distance by running water or wind and, finally, accumulated as individual sediment bodies that may be geologically important. Several half-descriptive terms have been suggested to describe the deposits, namely: soil gravel (soilrudite), soil sand (41; soilarenite), soil mud (soillutite), clay gravel (clayrudite), clay sand (the term already applied in the geologic literature; clayarenite), mud gravel (mudrudite), and mud sand (mudarenite). Genetically, the deposits may be classified as autoclastic-, hydroclastic-, anemoclastic-, bioclastic-, cataclastic-, and hybrid in origin. For a more detailed treatment of the subject the reader is referred to another papers by the author (41-45).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia