Petrograficzne badania materiałów wiążących z wczesnośredniowiecznej budowli Ostrowa Lednickiego


  • Leonard Jochemczyk
  • Janusz Skoczylas


PETROGRAPHIC STUDIES OF THE BONDING SUBSTANCES FROM EARLY MEDIEVAL BUILDING FROM OSTRÓW LEDNICKI Summary Here were presented the results of petrographic studies (microscopic, x-ray and thermal analysis) of grouts from the one-aisle church of early Medieval age, located in Ostrów Lednicki. Various grout types were distinguished, from gypseous to gypseous-carbonate ones. The gypsum mineral has been transported from the gypsum cap-rock of the Wapno salt dome. But carbonates came from local lacustrine chalks and gyttja.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia