Trzeciorzęd południowej skarpy pradoliny Warty między Koninem, Wilkowem, Brzeźnem, Żychlinem


  • Edward Ciuk


TERTIARY DEPOSITS FROM SOUTHERN SLOPE OF THE WARTA PALEOVALLEY BETWEEN KONIN, WILKÓW, BRZEŹNO, ŻYCHLIN Summary 19 boreholes, done in 1940 for brown-coal researches, have drilled the Tertiary deposits in southern escarp of the Warta paleovalley on Konin - Wilków - Brzeźno area, included into the Kalisz Upland. These wells have reached up to bottom of the Cenozoic basement. Vertical profile of bored sequence consists of: the Mastrichtian marly limestones at bottom, over - 2,7 m thick layer of carbonateless, light, porous regolith of the Paleogene age. The regolith is covered - with huge discontinuity – by the Upper Miocene deposits, divided into the Adamów, Central Poland and Poznań Beds. The Quaternary deposits, up to 13,2m thick and consisted of sediments of Central and North Poland Glaciations and Holocene, lay on them. The brown-coals, related to I Central Poland Coal-Seams Group with thickness up to 4 m (bottom unknown), are of medium energetic quality. Their ash content is Ad = 16,83%, tar content Td sk = 11,80%, and natural caloricity Q r i = 7272 kJ/kg (1730 kcal/kg). Two little lenses of such coals were found near Konin and Wilków - Brzeźno. The Tertiary deposits and their basement were dissected by dislocations of NW - SE and NE - SW orientations and bend of the Warta river near Konin is probably.connected this tectonic scheme.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia