Profil Różce na tle podstawowych profili osadów preglacjalnych na południowym Mazowszu
SECTION RÓŻCE AGAINST MAIN SECTIONS OF PREGLACIAL DEPOSITS IN SOUTHERN MAZOWSZE Summary Preglacial sediments represent a transitional period between the Tertiary and the Quaternary, and the older preglacial part of the Quaternary. The preglacial period is twice as long as the glacial Quaternary. During geologic mapping numerous preglacial sections have been studied. Some of them have pollen analyses that enabled subdivision of the preglacial period on the basis of climatostratigraphic criterion. Cool and warm stages were distinguished. At present the sections Ponurzyca near Otwock and Różce near Grójec form the framework of such subdivision (Fig. 1). Pollen analysis of the section Różce (Fig. 2) indicated a border between Reuverian (Uppermost Tertiary) and the cool stage Różce (Pretegelen). Above there are the stages: warm Ponurzyca (Tegelen), cold Otwock (Eburonian) and warm Celestynów (Waalian) ones. These three stages are represented in the sections Różce and Ponurzyca and by fragments of sections from other areas. The preglacial member was considered for the suprastage. These units are included in the modernized instruction to the Detailed Geologic Map of Poland in scale of 1:50000. More stratigraphic units during the preglacial period cannot be excluded in future subdivision as there are already some preliminary suppositions for it. Correlations based on analyses of sedimentary cycles are rather of regional significance for zones of fluvial deposition in central parts of the sedimentary preglacial area.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia