Stosowanie techniki impulsowego wzbudzania drgań sejsmicznych w badaniach utworów paleozoicznych


  • Kazimierz Betlej
  • Władysław Kulig
  • Adolf Mikołajczak


APPLICATION OF IMPULSE TECHNICS FOR SEISMIC STUDIES OF PALEOZOIC DEPOSITS Summary The results of the paleozoic deposits studies using reflection seismic method and cl, GSK-6 M impulsive seismic signals generator have been presented. The signal to noise ratio of the paleozoic reflections is rather low, what makes the interpretation of seismic data very difficult and ambiguous. To obtaine positive seismic results, appriopriate technics of weak seismic signals generation and data recording were applied. These technics were adapted to particular regions of Poland characterized by different seismo-geological conditions. In such way enhanced signal to noise ration have been reached and careful interpretation of the paleozoic seismic reflections is possible.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia