Prognoza zachowania się lessów w zboczach zbiornika wodnego na przykładzie projektowanego zbiornika na rzece Świślinie


  • Ewa Hoffmann
  • Elżbieta Myślińska
  • Adam Stępień


PROGNOSIS OF LOESS BEHAVIOUR ON BASIS SLOPES – EXAMPLE OF PLANNED WATER RESERVOIR ON ŚWIŚLINA RIVER Summary The paper presents prognosis of loess behaviour on slopes of planned water reservoir on Świślina river. Loess samples were analyzied to determinate: granulometric and aggregate composition, consistency, swelling, soaking, compressibility, settlement shear resistance, angle of internal friction and cohesion. High loess susceptibility for water was found reflecting mainly as rising possibilities of swelling, soaking, fluidization and settlement during moistening (quick reservoir infilling). Growing activity of these processes could involve scouring of reservoir shore deposits. Only slow and gradual reservoir infilling could avoid



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia