Temperatury powstania siarczków cynku ze złoża Klucze w rejonie olkuskim


  • Andrzej Kozłowski


FORMATION TEMPERATURES OF ZINC SULPHIDE; MINERALS FROM KLUCZE DEPOSIT, THE OLKUSZ REGION Summary The paper presents new data on homogenization temperatures (Th) of aqueous and organic matter fluid inclusions in zinc sulfide minerals (sphalerite and subordinated wurtzite) from the Zn - Pb ores of the deposit "Klucze", Olkusz region, S. Poland. Over 150 measurements performed in 40 preparations from 18 specimens coming from drilling cores of two boreholes yielded Th for primary inclusions ranging from 129 to 99°C. The Th values increase with the depth suggesting the temperature paleogradient for the parent fluids of the ores from 6 to 10°C per 100 m. The T ranges of the ore formation are broader at the upper levels (23 -12°C) and narrower at lower levels (11- 5°C). Inclusions in ores from Triassic, Permian and Devonian beds are very similar.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia