Uwarunkowania tektoniczne mineralizacji Zn - Pb na przykładzie złoża Trzebionka


  • Ewa Górecka
  • Stanisław Kibitlewski
  • Andrzej Kryza
  • Marek Szuwarzyński


TECTONIC CONTROL OF ZN - PB MINERALIZATION IN TRZEBIONKA DEPOSIT Summary The paper contains preliminary reports of ore mineralization studies and its tectonic control within Triassic (Lower Muschelkalk - ore-bearing dolostones) deposits from the Chrzanów sync1ine (fig. 1). Assemblage of small tectonic structures, mainly such as: folds, flexures (fig. 2, 3), fractures (fig. 4), faults and slicken-sides (fig. 2, 6), cataclase and brecciacion zones (fig. 2) and related mineralization (fig. 2, 5) were described from drifts the "Trzebionka" ore deposit. Visible connections between some disjunctive structures (large faults, some slips of similar kinematics) and disjunctions related to some folds and flexures were found. Obtained data suggest that the ore mineralization could be controlled by activity of basement vertical dip-slip faults. Such important scientific and practical (planning of exploitation) results should be confirmed by broad tectonic- ore studies, using detail structural analysis (particularly: kinematics of disjunctions and reconstruction of local stress field). Proposed investigations could allow to make more precise regional correlations and connect local tectonic evolution and metallogeny.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia