Modele matematyczne ciał rudnych w złożach Zn-Pb rejonu olkuskiego


  • Renata Blajda


MATHEMATICAL MODELS OF ORE BODIES IN ZN - PB DEPOSITS FROM THE OLKUSZ REGION Summary Using statistic and geostatistic methods, trend of deposit parameter analysis and the results of mining observations the structure regularities of Zn - Pb ore deposits within the ore-bearing dolostones and in the Roethian dolostones of the Olkusz region were defined. Due the significant continuity of economic mineralization in the ore-bearing dolostones the richest, nest ore bodies form almost parallel, long, cyclically repeating zones. Distances among them are about 150 metres in the richer parts of the deposits and about 300 metres in the less rich ones. The ore deposit in the Roethian dolostones consists of the irregular, isolated nests with high metal content. The observations made in exploitation areas of the Roethian deposit indicate the relation between the mineralization distribution and the regular tectonic plan.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia