Wpływ zjawisk tektonicznych na kształtowanie się złóż Zn - Pb (na przykładzie złoża Klucze, rej. olkuski)


  • Ewa Górecka


TECTONIC CONTROL OF ZN - PB ORE DEPOSIT ORIGIN: KLUCZE DEPOSIT, THE OLKUSZ REGION Summary Studied deposit "Klucze" belongs to the Olkusz ore region and is located in western part of the Klucze graben (figs 1, 2). Data from 65 boreholes allowed to characterize Zn-Pb mineralization of varied extent (fig. 3 -12). Mesozoic (mainly ore-bearing dolomites) and Paleozoic (mainly Upper Devonian) deposits were mineralized. Results of mineral and geochemical studies indicate genetic relations of Mesozoic and Paleozoic ores and short time range of their origin. Particular intensity of ore mineralization was found in middle part of studied area (fig. 16, 17). There exists double grab en structure with W - E strike, origined along faults of meridional strike (fig. 14, 18 - 20). Such structure could result from overlaping of younger tension graben on earlier compression one. It is possible also simultaneous forming of both grabens after Jurassic. The faults, prompting grabens origin, could be related to fault system of NNE - SSW and WNW - ESE orientations. Analysis of structural maps (fig. 13, 14) and thickness map of dolomitized zone (fig. 15) suggest existence of such system. Mineralization was post-Jurassic similar as age of tectonic structure.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia