Modelowanie śląsko-krakowskich złóż rud cynku i ołowiu; kierunki i metody badań


  • Marek Nieć


MODELLING OF THE CRACOW AND SILESIAN ZN - PB ORE DEPOSITS: TREND S AND METHODS Summary The deposit modelling consist of formulation conceptual-descriptive, geometric-graphic, and mathematical models which can be used to construct genetic and tonnage-grade models (fig. 2). Cracow-Silesian Zn - Pb . ore deposits are close to Appallachian descriptive model, but partly SE Missouri model could be applied there (fig. 3). Geometric model of ore bodies depends on fringing metal content data, marking deposit contour (fig. 5). The both trend analysis (fig. 6) and geostatistical methods (variograms, fig. 7) could be applied to formulate mathematical models that describe deposit parameters (metal content, thickness etc.) variations. . In the case of discontinuous ore bodies maps of "ore-bearing coefficient" (relation of cumulative ore thickness to the total thickness of ore-bearing zone) allow to construct the deposit model, including dispersion aureole, if low enough value fringe metal content is applied. The knowledge of geometric model of ore bodies allows to estimate their detection probability and probability of deposit documentation after the exploration finished (fig. 9). The genetic model of deposit should consider descriptive, geometric and mathematical models. The knowledge of deposit geometry and of mathematical model of deposit parameters variations helps to study tectonic control of ore body origin and pathways of mineralizing solutions.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia