Badania wód podziemnych w tematyce sympozjów i konferencji hydrogeologicznych w Polsce w latach 1980-1989


  • Jan Malinowski


UNDERGROUND WATER INVESTIGATIONS IN SYMPOSIA AND HYDROGEOLOGICAL CONFERENCES IN POLAND IN THE PERIOD 1980-1989 Summary In the present paper the main problems of hydrogeological research presented in symposia and conferences during the period 1980-1990 have been discussed. 483 papers concerned regional hydrogeology, resources of underground water, quality, threats and water protection. Also of concern were the following subjects: mineral and thermal waters, hydrogeology of mineral deposits, research methods and hydrogeological aspects of the water wells construction. The discussed questions indicate necessity of development of hydrogeological research on account of increasing pollution and rising demands for water. In the paper an estimate of these problems with respect to their content and scientific level has been presented. It was noted that handling of the subject was too particular not allowing through discussion of the most relevant problems. For this reason scientific enterprise does not always accomplished its task. The author judgement however is that scientific symposia should be continued because they give opportunity for exchanging scientific information among different groups of scientists being at the same time opinionative for geological administration in the development of hydrogeological research



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia