Hydrogeologiczne warunki migracji zanieczyszczeń w strefie aeracji w regionie kredy lubelskiej


  • Piotr Herbich
  • Stefan Krajewski


HYDROGEOLOGICAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTAMINANTS MIGRATION THROUGH THE AERATION ZONE IN THE LUBLIN CRETACEOUS REGION (EASTERN POLAND) Summary A method for estimation the time tp of contaminated vertical migration of waters through perched waters (together with semipermeable bed) with seasonal level fluctuation is presented. Calculations of tp are based on the recession constant for the perched water level, the average time period t of the recharge — discharge cycle, and the hydraulic head H (taken from the bottom of semipermeable bed). The equation for vertical migration time tB is: tp = t (1 – 10-φt). Representative value of tp for the conditions hold in the eastern part of the Lublin Cretaceous Region has been computed. The results suggest that the time tp makes up the greatest part (86 — 98%) of the entire time ts (1— 9 years) of seepage through the integrated aeration zones of deep water table.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia