Akrecyjno-rotacyjny model rozwoju waryscydówb europejskich


  • Jerzy Nawrocki


ACCRETION-ROTATION MODEL OF EUROPEAN VARISCIDES Summary Paleomagnetic data obtained from different places within European Variscides suggest the rotation model of closing of the Variscan basin. The units forming the Moldanubian and Saxothuringian Zones of the Variscides as well as Moravian - Upper Silesian and Małopolska Massifs underwent the rotation. The rotating unit originated through the accretion (amalgamation) of Peri- Gondwana terranes in the southwestern foreland of the East European Platform. Without detailed geological analysis it is difficult to state whether the mechanism of the rotation was related to the strike-slip movement of intra - Variscan block or with its "hinge" movement. Paleomagnetic data from the Upper Silesia indicate that the rotation closing of the Variscan basin occurred in late Westfalian.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia