O związku kopalin użytecznych z ewaporatami morskimi


  • Oleg J. Petryczenko
  • Wołodymyr M. Kowalewicz


RELATIONS BETWEEN OF MINERAL RESOURCES AND MARINE EVAPORITES Summary Relation between occurrence of economic deposits of sulfate and chloride rocks, sulfur, boron, strontium and other deposits, and marine evaporites, is impossible without acquaintance with physico-chemical conditions of deposition and lithification in ancient evaporite basins. Fluid-inclusion study is an important tool in deciphering that problem. It was found that the content of magnesium sulfate and calcium chloride in evaporative brines varied in marine evaporite basins during the Phanerozoic (Figure). The maximum content of calcium chloride in brine is characteristic of Cretaceous, Devonian and Cambrian basins. Magnesium sulfate occurred in brines of Neogene, Permian and possibly Precambrian basins. In Ordovician, Silurian, Carboniferous, Triassic, Jurassic and Paleogene evaporite basins, brines of low content of calcium chloride and magnesium sulfate occurred. The recorded evolution of brine composition in marine evaporite basins is reflected in stratigraphical distribution of mineral products (Figure).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia