Wpływ substancji organicznej i nieorganicznej na zawartość ołowiu w węglu i łupkach węglowych Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego


  • Henryk Parzentny
  • Anna Różkowska


AN INFLUENCE OF ORGANIC AND INORGANIC MATTER ON LEAD CONTENT IN COALS AND COALY SHALES OF THE UPPER SILESIAN COAL BASIN Summary There were analyzed 1214 samples of coals and 68 samples of coaly shales, taken from 28 boreholes located on area of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (GZW - Fig. 1). These boreholes were drilled according to program of studies of deep horizons of the productive Carboniferous, realized by the Upper Silesian Division of the State Geological Institute (PIG). The lead content was defined with the X-ray fluorescence method. The results of analyses are noticed in the geological documentations of any borehole profile, collected in register office of the Division. The equations calculation, estimating the relations between lead content in ash and ash content in coal (5), enabled to distinguish which part of an average lead content in coals and coaly shales has origined from organic or from inorganic matter. It was stated that the most influence on average lead content in coals and coaly shales of GZW had the inorganic matter (Tab. 1). In the stratigraphic profile of the productive Carboniferous maximum lead ammounts occur in inorganic matter from the Libiąskie and Łaziskie beds (Fig. 2) but the influence of organic matter is distinct only within the Pietrzkowickie and Visean beds.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia