Mapa tektoniczna Polski w epoce waryscyjskiej


  • Władysław Pożaryski
  • Andrzej Grocholski
  • Henryk Tomczyk
  • Piotr Karnkowski
  • Władysław Moryc


THE TECTONIC MAP OF POLAND IN THE VARISCAN EPOCH Summary The tectonic map of the Caledono-Variscides of Poland was compiled and published in the years 1984 -1992 by a team of geologists of the State Geological Institute and the Polish Oil and Gas Company. The work was initiated by W. Pożaryski who also proposed tectonic interpretation of platform areas of Poland, accepted in this map. For the sake of clarity the information given in the map is limited but attempts were made to give convincing characteristics for each tectonic structure, mainly geostructural character of a given unit, its spatial and time relations to adjacent ones and role in tectonic image of area of the central Europe. A line of Caledonian sinistral shear which formed south-western margin of the East - European Platform is the major tectonic feature of platform areas situated outside the Variscan Deformation Front. The platform margin is usually buried under thick Variscan complex and strata of the Alpine complex. The course of the margin was traced in detail on the basis of refraction seismic data and deep drillings. Refraction horizons, well traceable in sedimentary cover of the East – European Platform, sharply end at the platform margin. The basement of the Paleozoic platform is characterized by highly complex tectonics in area between the above mentioned platform margin and Variscan Deformation Front. It corresponds to Caledonian collage orogen formed of terranes, transported at large distances due to rotation of the Gondwana plate. The terranes were accreted in times of Taconian movements and early phase of the Main Scandic movements. Upper Silurian sediments already display features of molasse of that orogen, East - European Platform. The last phases of Variscan movements resulted in faulting of the foreland in southern Poland, displacements of individual blocks and origin of numerous compressional structures including that of theHoly Cross Mts.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia