Wybrane elementy chemizmu wód oligoceńskich niecki mazowieckiej


  • Małgorzata Sikorska-Maykowska
  • Ewa Krogulec
  • Tadeusz Macioszczyk


DISTRIBUTION OF THE MAIN CHEMICAL ELEMENTS OF THE OLIGOCENE WATERS FROM AREA OF THE MAZOWSZE DEPRESSION Summary The following paper presents the statistical analysis of chemical data from the Oligocene aquifer of the Mazowsze basin, regarding particulary the Warsaw region. Two populations of data were examined: historiacal data (coming from late of sixties) and actual data (1986—1991 year period). The insignificant tendency of salinity decrease was noticed in Oligocene water what indirectly confirms opinions about the fundamental significance of leakage in general system of circulation water in the Mazowsze basin.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia