Implikacje, komplikacje i aplikacje wynikające z rozwoju poglądów na litostratygrafię i cykliczność sedymentacji permu w regionie śląsko-krakowskim


  • Paweł Henryk Karnkowski


DEVELOPMENT OF IDEAS ON LITHOSTRATIGRAPHY AND CYCLICITY OF THE PERMIAN DEPOSITS OF THE SILESIA-CRACOW REGION - IMPLICATIONS, COMPLICATIONS AND APPLICATIONS Summary Geological recognition and cartographic presentation of the Permian in the Silesia-Cracow region has on the one hand only lithostratigraphic character (6-8,11, 13,24) (Fig. 1) and on the other is based on facies analysis and analysis of cyclicity of sedimentary and volcanic rocks (14, 15,20) with regards to biostratigraphic data (9, 16). These two trends should be clearly separated and each method should use proper nomenclature to avoid the misunderstanding. Lithostratigraphic method is indispensable to surface and subsurface mapping and on the basis of the present data one can distinguish a few formations (Fig. 2A). Cyclic sedimentation analysis and genetic approach to stratigraphy (depositional systems, allostratigraphic units) is necessary to study the Permian rocks (Fig. 2B); developing of sedimentary basin analysis (3, 18) confirm this trend. Distinguishing of litho stratigraphic and allostratigraphic units was proposed by tile present author the Rotliegend of the Permian Basin in Central Poland (12).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia