Żyłkowo-impregnacyjna mineralizacja węglanowo-siarczkowa ze strefy ryftowej OhIe (Sudety Zachodnie)


  • Stanisław Mikulski


CARBONATE-SULPHIDE MINERALIZATION OF VEINLET-IMPREGNATION TYPE FROM THE OHIE RIFT ZONE (WESTERN SUDETES) Summary The paper presents results of microscopic identification in reflected light of ore minerals from borehole Jasna Góra IG 12, located on Izera Block, close to south-eastern margin of the Źytawa Basin (Western Sudetes). Carbonates-sulphides mineralization of vein let-impregnation type is described. Form of this mineralization is epigenetic in relation to Precambrian - Paleozoic igneous-metamorfic rocks. Frequently evidence of carbonatyzation and sulphidyzation appears as: veinlets (common forming micro-stockwerk), impregnations, distinctive metasomatic streaks, drouse, secretions infilling interstitials. Minerals of this paragenesis formed in two stages. In the first one from hydrotermal solutions crystalized: phyrotite, chalkopiryte, galena, sphalerite, tytanite and carbonates. In the second one, when temperature decresed, marcasite, pyrite and carbonates formed. Carbonates occur in paragenetic association with sulphides formed as result of last stage crystalization from hydrotermal alkaline solutions with low temperatures genetically connected with the Tertiary basic alkaline sub- and vulcanic intrusions in the south-eastern part of the Ohfe rift zone. Migration of mineralizing solutions and mineralization of carbonates and sulphides association occurred in fissures and fractures related to the tectonic zones of second order and inside free spaces between grains



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia