Wyniki badań geologiczno-poszukiwawczych złóż konkrecji polimetalicznych, w strefie Klarion - Klipperton na Oceanie Spokojnym


  • Ryszard Kotliński


RESULTS OF GEOLOGIC-EXPLORATION RESEARCH ON DEPOSITS OF POLYMETALLIC CONCRETIONS IN THE KLARION – KLIPPERTON ZONE (PACIFIC OCEAN) Summary The eastern part of the Klarion - Klipperton zone (Pacific) was studied by Interoceanmetal in 1988 -1990 during ten oceanic expeditions. Geological and geophysical studies made possible to distinguish the deposit. - bearing area of ca. 300,000 sq. kms. The application submitted by Interoceanmetal was approved by General Committee of perliminary Commission of Sea Bottom of the UNO (document LOS/PCN/122 from 22-08-1991), and Interoceanmetal was recognized as "pioneer investor". This means the exclusive right to realize economic activity in the assigned mining allotment (150,000 sq. kms - three blocks "B" - Fig. 1). The studied zone was subjected to intensive transformation of ocean floor in Miocene. The structure of the basement which is composed of basalts of the second ocean layer, is characterized by a complicated block pattern. The basement declines toward the west, and parallelly the age of basalts as well as the thickness of the sedimentary cover increase. The sedimentary cover includes carbonate and siliceous - clayey deposits of late Oligocene to Quaternary age. The deposit is made of polymetal concretions occurring at the depth of 4,100 to 4,300 m. The density of occurrence of concretions is highly varied. The formation of concretions was influenced by hydro genic – diagenetic processes. Three genetic types of concretions ("A","B", and "C") were distinguished; they differ in shape, size and surface characteristics as well as varied mineral and chemical composition. Considering the resources and metal content, the documented deposit is comparable to other "pioneer investor" deposits that are located in the Klarion - Klipperton zone



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia