Krzemienne złoże i geologia rezerwatu Krzemionki


  • Ryszard Michniak


GEOLOGY OF THE KRZEMIONKI SANCTUARY Summary The geological-resource descripion of archeological sanctuary Krzemionki Opatowskie near Ostrowiec Swiętokrzyski was presented here. This sanctuary contains monuments of the Neolothic flint mining. Very characteristic bandy flints, occurring within pelitic limestones of the Upper Oxfordian, were exploited there. Geological studies of this flint deposit conditioned the further investigations in sanctuary. This article summarizes just published data and newest ones from recent excavations. Such phenomena as: lithology of deposit cover, bed orientation, local rock fractures and disturbances, characteristics of upper and lower flint layers as well as very distinct there statigraphy - were helpful in archeological studies.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia