Niedobór mas skorupy ziemskiej względem płaszcza, podstawą rozważań nad genezą grawimetrycznych anomalii regionalnych


  • Andrzej Grobelny


MASS DEFICITE BETWEEN EARTH CRUST AND MANTLE AS A BASE FOR DISCUSSION ON GENESIS OF REGIONAL GRAVIMETRIC ANOMALIES Summary Knowledge about pressure of Earth crust mass on its mantle as well as about mass deficite between crust and mantle allows to elucidate many problems of basic geological studies. Particulary it is possible to locate tectonic elements of the crust, which due unsettled isostatic balance were lateraly moved, elevated or lowered. Estimation of mass deficite between crust and mantle was done using gravimetric, seismic and density data, for example, for two points (Ostrzeszow, Kutno) of seismic profile LT4. Results of such studies suggest great contribution of upper mantle rock in orgin of field of gravite disturbances. Comparison of Ostrzeszów and Kutno regions indicates that such contribution is about 35% higher near Ostrzeszów.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia