Cysty kopalnych bruzdnic (Dinoflagellata) nowym wskaźnikiem paleośrodowisk mezozoiku i kenozoiku


  • Jacek Jamiński


CYSTS OF FOSSIL DINOFLAGELLATE AS NEW INDICATOR OF PALEOENVIRONMENTS IN THE MEZOZOICUM AND KENOZOICUM Summary Paleoecological methods based on palynological studies of dinoflagellate cysts are commonly used in modern geology, especially in petroleum geology. Morphological conservatism of respective dinoflagellate cysts enables palaeobathymetrical interpretation, which is often supported by dominance and diversity factors sensu Goodman (1979). The interpretation of palaeosalinity and palaeotemperature changes is based on analysis of dinoflagellate cyst assemblages as well as on morphology of selected taxa. Dinoflagellate cyst palynology offers many possibilities to study palaeoenvironments of high productivity of organic matter, which are dominated by heterotrofic cysts of Peridiniaceae family. Dinoflagellate cysts are an valuable tool to identify palaeoconditions especially in sediments rich in well preserved organic matter (kerogen).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia