Studium petrologiczne kambru i najwyższego nie zmetamorfizowanego prekambru


  • Kazimierz Łydka


A PETROLOGICAL STUDY OF THE CAMBRIAN AND NON-METAMORPHOSED UPPERMOST PRECAMBRIAN ROCKS Summary Using complex analytical methods, the distribution of different concentrations of the main rock minerals, such as carbonates, quartz, K-fe1dspars, albites and clay minerals, in the sediments of Cambrian and of the non-metamorphosed Uppermost Precambrian has been investigated. Variabilities in the concentration of these components have been recognized as indicator registering the changeability of the sedimentary environments and alimentation areas. The high concentrations of carbonates stated in the Uppermost and Lower Cambrian sediments have been taken as indicator of their formation on the seashore. The analysis of the distribution of detrital feldspars suggests that the alimentation of the terrigenic material during the Uppermost Precambrian and the Lowermost Cambrian ensued in Northern Poland from the North-West and in the southern region from the South-West. The alimentation of the new terrigenic material has been stated in the upper part of the Lower Cambrian. The change in the alimentation has been preceded by a long period of tectonic cool.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia