Tektonika utworów kambryjskich obszaru świętokrzyskiego


  • Włodzimierz Mizerski


TECTONICS OF THE CAMBRIAN SEQUENCE IN THE HOLY CROSS MOUNTAINS Summary The 100 years history of the Cambrian System in the Holy Cross Mountains is a good example of changes not only in stratigraphy but in the tectonic too. The tectonic of the Cambrian deposits in the northen part of the Holy Cross Mountains is better documented (J. Czarnocki 1950, W. Mizerski 1979, 1991) than the southern one. The Cambrian deposits from both parts of Holy Cross Mountains are different in age and in the scale of tectonic deformations. Cambrian rocks in the northern part are incorporated into Variscian tectonic unit (Fig. 1), which was established by orogeny during the Carboniferous. Cambrian rocks are now visible inside the block structures with tectonic deformations resulted from disharmonic folding. It is possible to recognize some stages during the Variscian orogeny and variable tectonic mesostructures are joined with these stages. The Cambrian deposits in the southern part of the Holy Cross Mountains are incorporated into the Early Caledonian tectonic unit (Fig. 2). These rocks were deformed tectonically during the Sandomirian, Early Caledonian and Variscian orogenies. The intensity of the mentioned tectonic activities is different in time and space on this area. The last stage of tectonic activity on this area is the Laramic phase of the Alpine orogeny (at the boundary of the Cretaceous-Tertiary) and the effects of this phase are visible in the Cambrian rocks of the south-western part of studied area. This centenary is a good opportunity to present directions of the tectonic researches in the future.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia