Nowy środkowo dewoński biegun paleomagnetyczny z antykliny Siewierza - upadek koncepcji waryscyjskich wielkoskalowych ruchów przesuwczych wzdłuż SW krawędzi platformy wschodnioeuropejskiej !?


  • Jerzy Nawrocki


NEW MIDDLE DEVONIAN PALEOMAGNETIC POLE FROM SIEWIERZ ANTICLINE - THE END OF CONCEPTION OF LARGESCALE STRIKE SLIP MOVEMENTS ALONG SW MARGIN OF THE EAST EUROPEAN PLATFORM DURING VARISCAN TIME!? Summary Paleomagnetic pole with very good quality factor (Q = 6) has been reported from Middle Devonian dolomites of NE margin of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. Positive fold test (Fig. 1 b, 3) shows that the characteristic remanent magnetization was acquired before tectonic deformations. Paleomagnetic pole obtained here is in an excellent agreement with the corresponding Early Devonian poles of Baltica (Table). A conclusion was drawn, that at least since Middle Devonian the Upper Sillesian and Małopolska blocks were situated near their present position.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia