Geologiczne podstawy dla nowego zagłębia węgla brunatnego w strefie rowu tektonicznego Poznań-Czempin-Gostyń


  • Edward Ciuk


GEOLOGICAL PREMISES FOR OPENING NEW BROWN COAL MINING FIELD IN THE POZNAŃ-CZEMPIN-GOSTYŃ TECTONIC TROUGH AREA Summary A very thick (up to 350 m thick) series of coal-bearing Tertiary deposits originated in tectonic trough-like structure about 350 km long and very narrow, 2-3 km wide, in the Poznań-Czempin-Gostyń area. This structure was traced as gravimetric anomaly in the course of geophysical surveys. Its origin appears related to Laramie movements , and subsidence of trough floor, accompanied by infilling, continued till the end of Tertiary. The structure was cut and broken by strike-slip movements at the end of Pliocene or the beginning of Pleistocene. The Tertiary infilling of the trough represents full sedimentary sequence from Lower Oligocene to Lower Pleistocene. The sequence comprises 6 coal-bearing horizons (V, III, II, IIa, I and Ia), two of wich, i.e. Second, Ścinawa, and First, Mid-Polish groups of coal seams, represents the bulk of Poznań brown coal deposits. Break-up of the structure by transversal dislocations resulted in division of the deposit into several parts which are sufficiently large for construction of separate, large strip mines: e.g. Mosina, Czempin, Krzywiń, and Gostyń. Total economic resources (Polish mining category D1) of brown coal in the Poznań deposits are estimated of about 5 billions Mg. Brown coal forming seams of the groups II and I may be classified as good energetic, briquette and, partly, low temperatures coals. It may be used also to hardening and gasification. Mean caloric value id 9793 kJ/kg when humidity content equals 50%. Mean ash content is 13.13%, total sulphur content – 0.57%, prae-tar – 10.98%, bitumens – 3.44%, and alkali (Na2O + K2O) – 0.33%. Poznań brown coal deposits will be mined as fuel for power plants. Their maximum exploitation, planned for the year 2000, should be about 60.0 m Mg per year and increase in power due to construction of new plants – at 5760 MW. Its not excluded that a part of the coal production in these mines will be used for other purposes (gasification and hardening). Huge amounts of clay raw materials from the blanket of these deposits make it possible to construct, besides the above mentioned mines and power plants, large plants producing building ceramic materials.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia