Warunki geologiczne i perspektywy wykorzystania złoża węgla brunatnego w rejonie Nakła nad Notecią


  • Marcin Piwocki


GEOLOGICAL SETTING AND PERSPECTIVES OF USE OF BROWN COAL DEPOSITS FROM THE NAKŁO REGION UPON NOTEĆ RIVER Summary The studied deposit is situated in a narrow longitudinal depression of the tectonic trough type in the vicinities of Nakło upon Noteć river, northern Poland. The Tertiary, directly overlying Lower Jurassic sandstones, is represented by Oligocene, Miocene and Pliocene. Oligocene comprises siltstones and glauconitic sands with intercalations of brown coals of the seam group V and Miocene quartz sands with brown coals of the seam group II in its lower part, and clays and silts with brown coals of the seam group I in the upper. They are overlain by Pliocene clays and silts and Quaternary tills and sands. Coal-bearing Tertiary series comprises Middle and Upper Miocene with the seam groups II and I, respectively. The seams of the group II markedly increase in thickness within the Nakło trough which is reflected by increase of total coal-bearing index from 0.17 on margins of the trough to 0.30 inside of it. The deposit area is about 13 km2, summative thickness of brown coal seams equals 19.5 m on the average, and prognostic deposit resources are estimated at about 275 mln Mg. The deposit is formed of earth coals with mean caloric value equal 7976 kJ/kg and mean ash content 24.22%. They are suitable as fuel for power plant.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia