Surowce boksytowe i kaolinitowe występujące w karbonie Lubelskiego Zagłębia Węglowego
BAUXITE AND KAOLINITE RAW MATERIALS IN THE LUBLIN COAL BASIN Summary Rocks highly enriched in aluminum, including bauxite layers, were discovered at the base of the Carboniferous in north eastern part of the Lublin Coal Basin. At three localities were found bauxites of economic value. According to preliminary criteria of the Ministry of Heavy Industry, there bauxites represent ores of the types B - 4 and B - 5, so they are suitable for aluminum production by the baking method. The bauxites are accompanied by some uneconomic ones and other alithic rocks. There also occur same fire-proof kaolinitic rocks. Special tests showed that Lublin bauxites are suitable for aluminum production by the acid method and, after removal of iron, for production of high-aluminum fire-proof materials. Boehmite and kaolinite predominate in mineral composition of these rocks. The studies hitherto carried out showed that the region between Parczew and Radzyń is the most perspective area of occurrence of bauxite deposits.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia